In a scratched up wooden frame behind a broken piece of glass these words are written in beautiful calligraphy and hanging on my music room wall: "I press on toward the mark for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus." It was a gift when I was a teenager from someone at my church in N.C., someone whose kindness I remember but whose name I have forgotten. This little plaque has moved with me many times; that's how it got broken. The words are from the Bible, Philippians 3:14. I have felt like that little broken frame carrying God's word around in my heart, trying to live by it. I was never quite sure what the goal was that I was suppose to be pressing toward, I just tried to press on in God's direction and hoped it would take me to the right place. I have learned that sometimes simply pressing on is enough. Press on for more of God, and I promise He will meet you more than halfway.
You're going to love the prize.
Much love,
...what refreshing words to read during the day when people are pulling you in 10 different directions. Thank you so so much for the way you share your heart with the rest of the world. We are better people having read your words of wisdom and comfort and encouragement. Love you so much!